About Columbia Cascade Housing Corporation
In the Mid-Columbia region, low-income families, and singles with special needs such as the elderly, and disabled are forced to compete for truly scarce housing resources. The result is inadequate living conditions, including overcrowding, substandard housing, and housing that is beyond the reach of families with lower income, putting them at high risk of becoming homeless.
Columbia Cascade Housing Corp works together as the “development arm” of Mid-Columbia Housing Authority and Columbia Gorge Housing Authority to address the housing, community self-help and community development needs of low-income families in a five-county bi-state region. Appropriate community services are linked with decent, affordable housing to promote greater independence and self-sufficiency.
Mid-Columbia Housing Authority and Columbia Gorge Housing Authority provide safe, decent, affordable housing to low-income families in Wasco, Sherman, and Hood River Counties in Oregon (Mid-Columbia HA) and Klickitat and Skamania counties in Washington (Columbia Gorge HA).
Because housing is a basic human need and also vital to community and local economy, the Housing Authorities provide this assistance and so much more. Their programs help clients become self-sufficient by offering training, counseling, help with goal setting and incentives to save money.
The Housing Authorities meet the needs of a growing population of senior citizens, disabled persons on fixed incomes, and unemployed and underemployed people to improve family self-sufficiency and participation in the community.
Our Board
CCHC representing Wasco, Hood River and Sherman Counties in Oregon as well as Skamania and Klickitat Counties in Washington.
Board President – Paul Blackburn Hood River County
Vice-President – David Sauter Klickitat County
Secretary / Treasurer – Gabe Spencer Skamania County
Other board members include
Scott McKay Wasco County
Randy Holmstrom Hood River County
Equity Statement
Our organization commits to an ongoing examination of our policies and practices to advance equity and inclusion of those who are marginalized. We strive to be culturally competent and supportive in creating environments and spaces where every person is welcomed, respected and valued. We commit to engaging diverse voices and including different perspectives, within our staff, board and our community, in our ongoing equity journey.
Our organization recognizes the racial and economic disparities that exist in our community, in the past and present. We understand how these disparities have led to advantages for some over others. Understanding these injustices, our organization must do our part in addressing these issues and make equity work an organizational priority. We acknowledge we have not fully promoted equity throughout our organization.
In our journey moving forward, we commit to examine how we support this work through the creation of culturally competent documents, policies and programs. We will strive to have the demographics of our staff and board reflect the community we serve, and we will have diverse representation of staff at community events. We will examine our work through the lens of equity in all aspects of our organization whenever possible.
Everyone should have a safe stable affordable home. We pledge to make this a reality in the communities we serve.
Meet the Team!
Housing Resource Manager
Direct Dial: 541-370-2746
Office Line: 541-296-5462 ext. 118
Email: davep@columbiacascadehousingcorp.org
Property Manager
Direct Dial: 541-370-2719
Office Line: 541-296-5462 ext. 119
Email: heathero@columbiacascadehousingcorp.org
Executive Director
Direct Dial: 541-370-2761
Office line: 541-296-5462 Ext.123
Accounting Specialist
Direct Dial: 541-769-1523
Office Line: 541-296-5462 Ext. 124
Finance Manager
Direct Dial: 541-370-2749
Office: 541-296-5462 Ext. 111
Cell: 541-370-2749
Email : ricardom@columbiacascadehousingcorp.org
Housing Resource Center Associate
Direct Dial: 541-370-2821
Office: 541-296-5462 ext. #: 121
Email: salvadort@columbiacascadehousingcorp.org
Executive Assistant
Direct Dial: 541-370-2731
Office Line: 541-296-5462 Ext. 113
Site Manager